Thursday, June 9, 2011

What's Your Blog About Again?

When I set out to create my own blog I had to think long and hard about exactly what I had to say. What do I have to offer the world that warrants creating an ongoing blog and actually expecting people to be interested? As a writer-and self-proclaimed know-it-all- I am rarely at a loss for words, but the ability to write and the ability to write something worth reading are not exactly one in the same. In a quest to find my blogging “voice” I pondered the old adage “to write well you must write what you know”. I tend to think I’m right about most things I have an opinion on so I guess I have that to offer. I recently published my first book The Playbook: It’s All a Game Until You Get Married in which I condense the hard earned lessons of women all over the country-myself included- into a concise, easy-to-read dating manual (none of that “tell him how you really feel” s@%t). I guess I have some pretty strong views on men and the whole dating game so I will probably touch on that.  What else do I have to offer? What other opinions or perspectives can I present to you, the reader, which would be novel or beneficial? As I write this I am taking inventory of my recent thoughts in the hopes of finding a revelation worth sharing. This is what I have come up with so far:
  1. Do not proudly announce you are going vegetarian if you’re not willing to commit. Someone will call you out on it-probably while you’re scarfing down a hamburger at a cook-out or after you absent-mindedly posted that you were making Curry Chicken on your Facebook page.
  2. Old people get on my nerves. No explanation. They just do.
  3. Katy Perry’s song E.T. is f#%king awesome and Rihanna’s video for “Man Down” is brilliant.
  4. It’s quite possible that I love food more than sex. Don’t ask how I came to that conclusion.
  5. Despite my love for food…I really really love sex.

This is only a handful of the deep, philosophical ponderings I would like to explore with you- most of them being about food and sex (and my dislike of old people).
 The reality is, in addition to being a twenty-something “know-it-all”, I’m also a little neurotic and a lot of quirky. I would just like to share my perspective and experiences with the world in the hopes that I’m not alone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about my neurosis. As a matter of fact, I have this handy little disorder called ADD that affords me a prescription to a drug called Adderall-trust me when I tell you this stuff is a dieter’s dream. Not that I’m advocating drugs use to lose weight. Just saying. Even though, in my case, drugs might be a safer way for me to lose weight than leaving me to my own devices. Only a couple of weeks ago while I was on the Lemonade Diet, which is basically a fast, I used so much salt in my salt water flush that I made myself sick and spent the entire morning researching iodine poisoning because, deep down, I thought I might die. Lesson learned.
Anyway, what were we talking about? Right, what is my blog going to be about? That’s a good question.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittney........I recently came across you on youtube and I'm very interested in purchasing your book......but it's not easy to find. I was hoping to find a regular copy in a store.....I need something that my bf will not find....for obvious reasons. I am not contacting you on facebook or any of those sites....since the bf is very nosy. I'm sure you understand.

